Thursday, August 21, 2008

Landscapes of the Spirit essay by William Neill

World-Class Nature Photographer William Neill has posted a really insightful and inspiring essay on his experiences in nature and nature photography here at 'The Luminous Landscape.' His personal blog is well worth a visit and always a very positive place to discuss great images.

Much of what Mr. Neill expresses in his writing is the moment behind the photograph; the attempt to capture the essence of place rather than always focusing on just capturing a literal image of a landscape of other subject. If you aren't familiar with his work please take a moment to review his portfolio.



Anonymous said...

Hi Clay,

Thanks for mentioning my work here!

The photo included is the cover of my ebook Landscapes of the Spirit - Digital Edition. Folks can learn more the book, or purchase it for $15 at:



Anonymous said...


It is my pleasure. Your work is always an inspriration.

Kind Regards,